Rebel Music: Resistance through Hip-Hop and Punk

(Editor) Priya Parmar, (Editor) Anthony J. Nocella II, (Editor) Scott Robertson, (Editor) Martha Diaz

Arising from the street corners and underground clubs, Rebel Music: Resistance through Hip Hop and Punk, challenges standardized schooling and argues for equity, peace, and justice. Rebel Music is an important, one-of-a-kind book that takes readers through fun, radical, educational chapters examining Hip Hop and Punk songs, with each section addressing a particular social issue. Rebel Music values the experiences found in both movements as cultural capital that is de-valued in the current oppressive, standard, test-driven, rule-bound, and corporate schooling experience, making youth "just another brick in the wall."This collection is a "rebel yell"to administrators, teachers, parents, police, politicians, and counselors who demonize Hip Hop and Punk to listen up and respect youth culture. Finally, Rebel Music is a celebration of radical voices and an organizing tool for those who use music to challenge oppression.


(Editor) Priya Parmar, (Editor) Anthony J. Nocella II, (Editor) Scott Robertson, (Editor) Martha Diaz


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Formats: Kindle, Hardcover, Paperback,
Published: December 1, 2014
ISBN-10: 1623969093
ISBN-13: 978-1623969097